Walk Hey 07: Running

A green-rimmed yellow enameled bowl filled with petai pods.
Petai from about 25 pods, none of them with grubs. Miracles do happen.

I've been at this here thing for a couple of months now, and what started out promising is (unsurprisingly) losing its luster. I wanted to pull up to my desk every day, write out my ✨opinions✨ on different food matters, and send it out to the universe, then wait for someone to nod in reply—"I see you, I get you, thank you for bringing this to my attention."

In reality, it's the never-ending battle against hypersomnia and my inability to say no to interesting client work, which makes writing here an anxious chore. This is supposed to be easy, an outlet for me to say things without fear of editorial ramifications. But making something easy is actually pretty hard work, as I'm finding out more and more. Thankfully it's work that I feel in my bones that I need to do, spurred on further by friends who believe in me.

One day at a time.

Now, but wow!

The state elections are coming up. (That's it, that's the tweet)