Walk Hey 05: Writing, practice, job

Screenshot of The Daily Meal homepage with my article as the main feature.
Look, issa me!

Popping in to report that I started my new freelance gig at The Daily Meal this week! That's my byline up there! I'm writing about an article a day from a list of pre-approved topics that their strategy team has come up with. It's been a fun ride so far, learning about SEO and the like, plus it helps to have kind and helpful editors.

All this to say, I'm in the midst of working out the brainspace allocation to write daily (heh) at The Daily Meal and working on all my other projects at the same time, including this here newsletter. On the bright side, I'm getting that writing practice in, and in spades.

Now, but wow!

Every post (issue?) of Walk Hey will be accompanied by a 'Now, but wow!' section, inspired by one of Spilled Milk's segments. Mine will of course have recommendations, and/or news of things I recently published.

My portfolio is about to get a prolific bump via my bylines on The Daily Meal! Here's a link to all my articles published on the site so far (scroll down a bit past the editorial policies statement).